Automated Team Scheduling

So you can focus on the work you love.

Know the next step and what to do: automatically send templated emails, create follow-up meetings, and update fields like the due date.

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Platform » Team Scheduling
Accelo's automated team scheduling for tracking schedules and budgets from a centralized windo

Unified Team Schedule

Integrated team schedules in one centralized system let everyone know who is working on what and when. Easily keep track of schedules and budgets, and manage priorities and deadlines.

Accelo's automated team scheduling software for creating real-time utilization reports.

Real-time Utilization Report

The system automatically updates in real time, reflecting any inevitable schedule changes. No more spreadsheets. No more manual calculations or hassles, ever again.

Accelo's automated team scheduling software for forecasting and tracking billable hours

Forecasting and Billable Hours

Real-time feedback to project and account managers allows you to schedule the right resources based on your business’s forecasted need. Take action to extend budgets, limit scope or otherwise intervene before it is too late to do something about it.

Accelo's automated team scheduling software for synchronizing schedules across multiple platforms

Synchronized Calendar

Get a complete log of your team’s appointments and commitments with synchronized Google or Exchange/Office 365 Calendars. This allows you to see everything your team has scheduled, including their external calendars.

Accelo's scheduling software for creating tasks to gain a clear picture of project time

Create Tasks Against Clients, Support Contracts, Retainers and Projects

Build a complete team schedule by adding tasks as needed and estimate the time you think it will take you to finalize each task. The system will automatically adapt as your work does, giving you an effortless, clear picture of your team's workload.

Accelo's automated team scheduling software for tracking time-off requests and shift changes.

Schedule Approvals

Easily approve or deny any requests or time changes made by employees in one convenient dashboard.

Accelo's automated team scheduling customizes schedules for a complete overview of employee, contractor, and freelancer hours

Schedule Customizations

Easily customize your employee hours, contractor hours or freelancer hours, giving you a complete and accurate calendar view.

Accelo's automated team scheduling notifications feature for alerting finance teams of invoice creation


Receive an automatic notification reminding you of an upcoming task that is due. Have the confidence that your team will never miss a deadline or a task with automatic notifications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Team Scheduling?

Team Scheduling is a tool used to inform managers of what work needs to be done, by what date, and who on the team has the bandwidth to take on the task and answers the important question "what is my team working on?".

How can I see my team's capacity and know what they're working on?

In order to see what your team's capacity is, Accelo's Client Work Management platform provides insight into the team's workload using a Ultization Dashboard.

Is there a free scheduling program?

At its simplest form, Google calendar is a free tool that can be used for scheduling. However, your team can plan projects, track results, and deliver client work more efficiently using a robust tool like Accelo that has a greater range of capabilities and automation solutions. The two can be seamlessly integrated to manage client work from one place.

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