The All-In-One Client Database Management Software Solution

Collaborate with your team on your customer relationships with Accelo.

A shared client database gives your team a single, synchronized and intelligent platform, so you can see the work you're doing (and have done) for all clients in real time.

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Platform » Client Database
Accelo's client database management feature for client lists

Multi-User Access of Central Client Database

All of your users can access a single, central, and always up-to-date client database.

Accelo's client database management feature for company dashboard

View Client Relationships

Using our client dashboard, you gain a window to all your client activities, you can check the status of your conversations, see all sales, track your projects, and manage your records.

Accelo's database export feature for client database management

Database Export (for Mail Merge)

Export out your contact in an Excel format for easy mail merging and more detailed analysis.

Accelo's intelligent client database manager for automatically creating contacts from email

Automatically Create Contacts via Email

Automatically add contacts into your database via email.

Accelo's client database management portal feature for filtering clients

Powerful Search, Filtering and Reporting

Slice and dice your companies and contacts, and save search queries for each reuse with filters.

Accelo's custom fields for client database management

Custom Fields, Lists and Categories

Create custom fields against companies and contacts, and segment companies and contacts into lists, helping you to organize and maintain your database the way you want to.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a client database?

A client database is a central location to keep track of your client data, their contact details, work that is scoped or completed for your clients, and any other relevant information concerning your client's relationship with your company.

What is a Client Work Management Platform?

A client management tool helps you manage the work you do for your clients. From building out a CRM, to managing Projects, ongoing work, ad-hoc work all the way through to billing for that work.

What is a client database used for?

A client database is mostly used to lookup a customer record, either to inquire about any work that is being done or has been completed in the past. It is also used to track the correspondence and project history with that client as they work with different account managers and team members across your organization over the course of their relationship with your company.

What is the purpose of a client database?

The purpose of a client database is simply to help you achieve customer success. When all of your customers' records are in one place and accessible to your entire team, you can make sure no client work falls through the cracks.

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